As I promised in December, I am addressing my absence for most of 2019. In order to do that, I need to back things up a bit. A couple years ago, I wrote about losing my mom unexpectedly, and then losing my job. From my post dated September 1, 2018:
” My mother passed away unexpectedly the day after Christmas in 2015. I lost my mom (my last living parent) and ultimately, I lost my job. I had to move back to L.A. to settle my parents estate while my hubs stayed in Washington State with his job. Per union guidelines, my workplace gave me 30 days to complete the task, which actually took me six months. This was the darkest time of my life and the light didn’t come back on for well over a year”.
What I never mentioned was something very significant that happened to me after I came back to Washington State. And while I do want to keep my personal life personal, I would like to share with you some of what I have been going through.
In the Fall of 2016, while visiting Texas, I was the victim of an accident at an Air B & B rental. This was my first…..and last experience with Air B & B. My accident was 100% preventable. I required surgery and a hospital stay and was bedridden for about 9 weeks. I filed a claim with Air B & B and was contacted by their third- party claims administrator, Crawford & Co. After taking my statement and assuring me they would be in touch, the folks at Crawford & Co. never got back to me. After 6 weeks with no response to my emails or telephone calls, I was forced to seek legal help and found an attorney to take my case.
After no response from the homeowners or their council, my attorney filed a lawsuit. It took a disturbing amount of time to have them served. Next came discovery. The defense was not very responsive throughout the process and continued to drag my case on, month after month, year after year. It took 25 months….and a ruling from the judge….to get the first of the defendants depositions taken.
In February of 2019, I was deposed in Houston, Texas. It was an emotional and unsettling experience that led me to seek professional help. My attorney spent the next several months trying to set up mediation. Again, there was no response from the defense.
My attorney contacted the court and set a trial date for January 2020. Once a case is on the docket, the court requires both parties to mediate. The defense was now forced to set a mediation date. It took them some time to agree to a date and mediation took place in Houston, Texas in November 2019. This was an emotional experience too but very different from deposition. While we did not reach an agreement that day, my case was settled within two weeks. Once we had a legally binding contract, it took another 8 weeks to receive my settlement.
When I retained council in November 2016, I signed a legal document agreeing that I would not discuss my accident or my case on any social media platform or any website. In addition, I was cautioned not to accept any friend requests from people I did not know. I had taken almost all of 2016 off Facebook so there was no mention of my accident anywhere. What you are reading now is the first time I have ever publicly discussed my accident. The defense did not ask me to sign an NDA.
As I mentioned earlier, my deposition last February was extremely difficult, and I struggled afterwards. I went into it thinking I would feel relief that we were moving forward but that was not my reality. One of the side affects of what I was going through was my ability to write just disappeared. And I didn’t know if it would ever return.
I have always done well by keeping busy and moving forward. In June of 2019, my husband and I purchased our future retirement home in a Phoenix suburb. Since I had most of the summer off, I was able to pour everything I had into furnishing our desert home and getting it ready for the winter snowbirds to rent. I found this project to be a wonderful distraction. And in August, I helped my daughter move from Los Angeles to Vancouver, BC, where she began her dream job with the BC Film Commission.

In the Fall of 2019, I felt a real pull to return to an office setting and began searching for a full-time position. Just after Thanksgiving weekend, I began my new position with a wonderful company. November 2019 was the most stress filled of last year. When I think about November 2019, what I remember most is I could barely breathe. Fast forward to now.
Three weeks ago, I received a phone call from an attorney’s office. I was named in a will as the Personal Representative to a man that passed away. I met Carol when I worked at the Cancer Care Center and she passed away 3 years ago. She and her husband had no children. Carol asked me if I would settle their affairs and I promised her I would. Her husband passed away in early January and so, here we are. I am relieved to have my case behind me now. I am at a new job that I am enjoying. I began writing again in mid-December and was excited to be back at it. I am not ready to stop writing again. I do not know where I will find the time or how often I will be able to post, but I have every intention of continuing with this crazy-fun hobby of mine. Since it will be sporadic over the next few months, please sign up to have my latest post delivered to your inbox.
In closing, I would like to thank you so much for your continued support over the past year, even while I was not posting. Many of you emailed me, messaged me via Twitter and Facebook, and some of you texted me. I want you all to know how much I appreciate your reaching out to check on me.
At this time, I will not be addressing my accident any further, except to say this. If you stay at an Air B & B property, please know that these properties are not screened for safety. Anyone can rent you a room, an apartment or their entire house. Unlike hotels, no one is doing checks to make sure the environment is safe and secure for guests. Additionally, most homeowners do not carry short term rental insurance, only their regular homeowners policy, which will not cover an accident if your home is being used as a short term rental.

I had no idea, Kerry. You are one tough cookie, my friend. I’m praying for your continued strength and healing. Love you, girl.
Thank you so much! I do appreciate it. 🙂
I feel so stupid for not reaching out. I knew you were not writing but I never checked in on you. I’m so sorry. November 2019 wasn’t the best for us either. Two days after Ashley moved into her first home it was destroyed by fire and smoke. Not an excuse, I should have reached out. Hugs. Here’s to a fabulous 2020.
It is ok Terri and please do not worry about not checking in. I am happy to be moving in a different direction now. I read about Ashley & Eric’s house fire and was devastated right along with you all. Seriously, I cannot even imagine. Hugs back atcha friend. Cheers to 2020!
So sorry to read what you’ve been going through. Glad you are writing again and hope 2020 is a much better year for you. I’m looking forward to reading what you write when you feel up to it.
Jean, thank you so much. I really appreciate that! I am looking forward to bringing some great locations to the blog! 🙂
Kerry, so glad things are looking up for you. I have missed your posts and look forward to more in the coming months.
I wish you the very best. Happy New Year.
Thank you so much Jaqueline! I appreciate the best wishes and support. 🙂
I am so very sorry for the pain, both physical, and emotional you have gone through these last few years. I will pray for the Lord to give you great peace and healing. I also hope writing down all of this will be a big part of that healing process, getting it out there and releasing some of that pain.
Thank you for sharing your story, we all have them, and sharing them helps to encourage all of us. Jeremiah 29:11. Look forward to 2020 posts!
Cheryl, thank you so much for your support! I am seriously very sad that I will be away when you are back in BC this year. 🙁 I know you will have an amazing trip and I look forward to hearing what all you got to see in your travels. Thank you for your encouragement, and making me feel ok for not being ok. 🙂
Sending you much love from Connecticut, Kerry. You are an amazing woman and I’m so glad we have connected. I look forward to your new posts and I wish you and your family peace in this new year. 🙂
Aw, thanks “Girl”! I appreciate that so very much! And I am super happy we have connected too!!! 🙂
Grateful that you have recovered and continue to push through the residual effects. I’m happy to have you back at the helm.
Sandra, what a lovely thing to say……my deepest thanks to you! 🙂
You’re such a dear! I’m so sorry for this terrible trial! Yours is my very favorite blog, and I’m pleased to hear that things are finally looking up for you. Best wishes!
Shawna, I am honored that you enjoy my blog so much……my sincere thanks for your support!!! 🙂
Oh wow, Kerry, I had no idea. I did miss your posts and am so very glad you are back! Big hugs headed your way!
Thank you Steph! Appreciate your sentiments! 🙂
Kerry, I am so happy you are on a new path and writing again. Best wishes in this new year.
Elizabeth, thank you very much! I am happy to be back and looking forward to getting back to it! 🙂
Hi Kerry,
This is Patty Kelly, You reached out to me after your mom passed and I’ve regretted not being able to meet up. Perhaps some time in the near future.
Please I’d to to sign up for your blog.
Thanks, Patty
Patty, I totally understand! Your husband had just had surgery and you were a bit tied up with your own life!!! I will put you on the mailing list and also reach out to you myself, via email. Thanks so much for your comment!!! 🙂
Our lives wind through many paths, often not of our choosing. Thankfully the Lord is the keeper of the trail. One learns the trial in the storm turns our hearts to our Heavenly Father as we fall to our knees in pain and tears. With faith in Him He leads us, guides us, and carries us down that ominous trail lending us great lessons otherwise left unlearned. Thank you Kerry for continuing to lift others with your insight, creativity, courage and faith. Your voice touches hearts. JLS
Thank you so much Julie!
I just stumbled on your blog and started reading. I am a big Hallmark fan and because we are all “locked down'” due to the virus, I have watched all of Cedar Cove. I was curious about the locations, so I googled and there you were. Thank you for all the information about the CC locations and explaining why things looked different. I have bookmarked your blog and will start from the beginning and read all your posts.
I do hope you start writing again and sharing your adventures with us.
You may not even be looking a the comments anymore, but of you are, Thank you!!!
Thank you so much, Pat. I’m so glad you found my posts on Cedar Cove. That was a lot of fun to put together! I will be publishing again very soon. 🙂
As a blogger myself, I understand how difficult it can be to balance blogging and real-life. However, I’m glad to hear you were able to move forward and find time to do the things you love! 2020 as a whole has been an uncertain time, but I hope you have found peace during a year that could bring stress to some. By the way, I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award! Here’s the link:
Yes, 2020 has been a tough year for many, that is for sure! I have continued to work on the estate I am settling for the past 10 months, plus work I fulltime. Unfortunately that has not left me any extra time for myself. But I also know that wont always be the case. I look forward to being back very soon, and am currently preparing some posts. Stay tuned.