Way back in the early years of our marriage, the hubs and I were weekly viewers of the TV series 21 Jumpstreet. My mom enjoyed it too as it was filmed in her hometown of Vancouver, B.C. and in the opening credits, they featured her Alma mater, the oft filmed Lord Byng High. Jumpstreet was the first big TV series to shoot in Vancouver and opened the door for film production in this city, which as we have scene has grown tremendously over the decades, sorta like my marriage. (33 years and counting)
While most were drawn to Johnny Depp’s character in the series, I fully admit that I preferred the more playful Officer Penhall, played by Peter DeLuise. I have followed his career over the years and know that he lives in Vancouver. While he continued to act, he fell in love with directing and today, he is a well-respected…and successful….producer, director, writer, and actor. I have heard wonderful things about Peter from those that have worked with him on projects and I always hoped that one day, I would find the opportunity to meet him.
While growing up in L.A., I had the pleasure of meeting many famous people over the years and it was always a fun experience. Sometimes it was intentional, like the time I met Mike Lookinland, who played little Bobby Brady on The Brady Bunch. A friend of my parents knew the family so I got to go to Mike’s house when I was in fourth grade. It was amazing for me! (I do love me some Brady Bunch!) But other times, I’d run into an actor at work, at the theater, or even at the video store (remember those????) which was unexpected but always very cool. (sorta like hey, I know you!) But I have to say, there is something incredibly meaningful about meeting someone from your “want to meet” bucket list, someone you admire and respect, someone whose work you enjoy over and over again. It is better than cool, it’s pretty freakin’ awesome! (like the time I met my girl, Amy Grant)
I had read that Wedding March 4: Something Old, Something New would be shooting in the spring of this year and that PDL himself would be directing. I was excited because I like the Wedding March franchise (Jack & Josie are so great together) and I knew Peter would make a fantastic movie. But the filming dates came and went, and production never began. A month later, I spotted new filming dates and my heart sank. I would be on vacay for two weeks during the time of filming, so the chance of meeting Peter was gone, long before the cameras ever began rolling and someone yelled “action”. (sigh!)
So, hubs and I left on our annual trip to a remote island in the Caymans and PDL began shooting Wedding March 4. While enjoying the sunshine and warm temps of the Caribbean, I saw set photos on social media. Once back home, I assumed filming had wrapped. I got called in to work for the week and on my third day back, I received an email tip that filming was in fact, still happening and where. My moment of truth was here. Should I take a chance and make the long drive up after work, knowing I have to work again early in the morning? That, my friends, is a question I asked myself over and over. I fought construction traffic for 40 minutes on the highway heading off the island where I reside, waited for 30 minutes at the border and endured some fairly intense questioning (thankfully I have a Nexus pass now), and still had another hour to go to get to the location. I called my hubs and asked for some advice…should I turn back or should I keep going…and he said to go with my gut. As Father Time marched on, I knew there was a very good possibility of me arriving and the place being deserted. I knew that, yet I decided to roll the dice and I kept driving. (no surprise to those who really know me)
Three and one half (yes, 3 ½!!!) hours after leaving my home, which included a couple stops, I passed the circus and pulled into Rowena’s on the River, which I wrote about here. Crews were loading up equipment and things were about to get real because this was going to end one of two ways.
I asked the question…Is Peter DeLuise still here? The response…Is he expecting you? (yeah….that would be a big fat NO) “No, but I have a gift for him”, I said. Production Manager Robyn took my card and I waited. As I’ve written, Rowena’s is an amazing property, and one of the most beautiful places I have seen in the world. As I took in the blue skies, shimmering water, 81 degree temperature, and sunshine, I looked around and breathed in the beauty of this property. I admired the blooms on a nearby shrub, only to discover the flowers were silk. (you got me…nice job set dec!) A short time later, PDL himself exited the building, and introductions were made.
He asked me if I was the one who visits film locations and writes about them, which kinda blew me away that he was even remotely aware of my website. We talked about All of my Heart, Wedding March 4, Jumpstreet, his career, and a whole lot about locations, many of which we were both familiar with. I told him I was a tour guide at Jamestown and I think he thought I was kidding at first. We talked about the MacInnes family and their farm, and he shared some stories with me. He introduced me to his Director of Photography, Ryan, who agreed to take a photo of us. Peter had us pose, “lets do jazz” he said, showing me what a funny and entertaining guy he is. One of the things I really wanted to do was to give Peter one of my custom All of My Heart tea towels, since he directed the original movie. He recognized the farmhouse immediately and was gracious, and maybe even a little bit surprised to see it on a tea towel. Or perhaps it was because I gifted it to him, I’m not at all sure. He did say “but I didn’t get you anything”. (ah, but you did, you took the time to say hello) I asked if it was ok to snap some pics for this story (after all, it was a working set) and he said sure. In total, we spent about 25 minutes talking and I thanked him for his time and was on my way. The last thing he and Ryan said to me was, “maybe we’ll see you again on set sometime”….LOL….hilarious! (maybe, indeed!)
The first person I called???? My hubba-hubby and let me tell you, he was thrilled for me. Just thrilled!!! I could even hear it in his voice. (and that right there is the reason we have been married for 33 years) Very special thanks to Robyn and Ryan for your kindness. And to PDL, thanks for your time, talent, and the projects you create. What an awesome memory for me to look back on. Oh, and on the (WAY) off chance you are reading this, remember that question I asked you about a particular movie? Well, I’ve already answered it myself, cause I’m that good. (just sayin’)
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What I’m Watching This Weekend:
Don’t miss!!!! The Wedding March 4: Something Old, Something New premieres this Saturday night on the Hallmark Channel. Check your local listing for times. I will be back next week with an all new Hallmark location. If you’re a subscriber, it will arrive via email. Not a subscriber? Sign up today. As always, thank you for your continued support.
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I love your posts and I am always impressed at length you go to bring the story and beautiful pictures to us. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
Hi Maria! Aw, thank you so much……that really means a lot. I am glad you enjoy reading about my adventures and I thank you so much for your support. I’ve got some fantastic locations and interviews in the coming months and cannot wait to share them with readers. Stay tuned! Thank you again for your comment. 🙂
Ruth A Hill
Kerry, I am just thrilled for you! I can only think of one long time desire to meet someone that got fulfilled. Meeting Lori Loughlin (loved since full House). Sadly it was but 30 seconds but now I have another chance this year. I love that you had a long time dream fulfilled. I will probably never get to interview Peter nor meet him. It’s just not in the cards for me. But reading your post gave me incredible joy!
Thanks Ruth!!! It was such a thrill and honor, because I had been a fan for so long, first as an actor and now as a director. I love that you “get” that. And I know I have mentioned this to you, once or twice, ok so probably MUCH more…LOL. I do not think an interview with him is out of reach for you at all, so please continue to go for it! I have said this before and will say it again. Life is really about making memories and having experiences. Love ya Ruth!!!
This is way cool, Kerry! Persistence pays off in the end! It’s always nice to see how kind people can be – either in front of the screen or behind the scenes! Perhaps, that 3 1/2 hour drive let you to the perfect time of day, after all! What a fabulous picture, too! Your smiles say it all!
Can’t wait to see Wedding March #4 even more now! I’ll be sure to look for the shrub with the silk flowers! Looks so beautiful in pictures!
Oh, and I hope he loves his “All of My Heart” tea towel as much as I love mine – so pretty!
Blessings, Net
Thanks Net…..it was an exciting “moment” for me and I literally was smiling for days afterwards. And I love that he was everything that people said he is. Yes, keep your eyes peeled for the faux blossoms in the shurbs. It was so funny because I actually tried to smell the flower, which is how I discovered it was silk. And my first thought was, am I on candid camera??? I hope he loves his tea towel too!!! I have been wanting to give him one since I had them made…mission accomplished! 🙂
Robin Plate
I got to meet Peter DeLuise on my tour of Jamestown during HFR3. He wasn’t my guide, but I made a special effort to find him, lol. He was my favorite from “21 Jump Street”, too! We spoke about my LOVE of AOMH, him directing it, Brennan and Lacey, and his dad. I also had a picture taken of us together. He was such a kind and patient man. It is one of my favorite memories.
I am SO happy that it worked out for you! YAY!! Such a great story! Also, so grateful for your blog and stories of all of the locations! LOVE them! LOVE behind the scenes stories! THANK YOU!!
Wow Robin, I LOVE that you had such a sweet experience meeting him at HFR3 and you had time to chat with him. AND you had a great convo from the sounds of it…..thank you for sharing with me! I love it! I’d have tracked him down too. I truly appreciate your continued support of my blog. I love being able to share these places and their stories with other fans. And trust me, there is much more to come!!! Thank you again! 🙂
Remember meeting Alan Alda at LAX?
My all time favorite with you was meeting Richard Gere at the Air Supply after party that you took us all to. So many adventures I experienced because of my friendship with you. Thank you for your adventurous spirit.
I love that you continue to follow your heart and do what you love.
Deb, I don’t remember meeting Alan Alda but OH YEAH, I will NEVER forget the Air Supply after concert par-tay and hanging out with the”new rising star” Richard Gere! One for the memory books indeed!!! I loved growing up in LA, SO many cool adventures, such a special time in our lives. Glad to still know you now. Love you girl!
Sally Silverscreen
Such a great story, Kerry! I’m glad you had a great experience meeting your favorite 21 Jumpstreet star! I have seen both All of My Heart and Wedding March 4: Something Old, Something New (I also reviewed the fourth Wedding March movie on my blog) and I, honestly, prefer All of My Heart out of those two films. I wonder if there will ever be a Hallmark movie starring Peter and Holly Robinson Peete, especially since they’re both 21 Jumpstreet alumni?
Sally, I doubt they’d do something together but you never know. I think Peter prefers being on the other side of the camera these days. But I do think it would be great if Peter directed one of her Murder Mystery movies!!! That would be so cool!!! 🙂