Hello January! I don’t know about you but with the busyness of December behind us, life is much slower and quieter these days. We are getting our fair share of rain here in the PNW and I hear parts of this country are down right chilly! I’ve been hunkered down with a cough and cold since my time in Texas. What’s a girl to do but sit by the fire under a warm blanket and watch some Hallmark. And that is exactly what I’ve been doing. And of course researching, which is always so much fun!!! And while I’m still catching up on all those new Christmas movies (yes, STILL), I have also been watching re-runs of old favorites like last year’s Moonlight in Vermont. This one aired in April during Hallmark’s Spring Fling. From Hallmark:
After fast-paced New York City high-end real estate broker Fiona Rangely (Lacey Chabert) gets dumped by her boyfriend, she escapes to her family’s quaint Vermont Inn for a few days to slow down and evaluate her life. When her ex-boyfriend Nate shows up at the Inn with a brand new girlfriend, Fiona quickly devises a plan to win him back: pretend the handsome and very laid- back head chef Derek (Carlo Marks) is her new boyfriend! Much to the surprise of Derek –and to Fiona herself– in pretending to be in love, she realizes that she’s been thrown a curveball: sometimes the best things in life are worth the wait.
It’s working title was Curveball and filming took place in Langley, BC in early January 2017. The story was cute and the casting was great. I mean, how can you go wrong with anything starring Lacey Chabert? My fave scene in the movie takes place at the Maple Faire dance. As the couple is swaying to the music, Derek sings “Moonlight in Vermont” to Finoa…..swoon! But what caught my eye was the house that plays the inn!!! What a gorgeous property and I was excited to track it down and take some photos. Of course it looks even lovelier covered in snow, as it appeared on film, but regardless, it is beautiful to see in person.
I wasn’t surprised to find this location in Langley, what I often refer to as the Hallmark capital of filming. Langley has it all; busy shopping areas and hotels, quieter neighborhoods like Murrayville with mom & pop storefronts, but it is also rich with farmland. I’ve scene mansions (like Mr. Darcy’s) and craftsman bungalows, and everything in between. And I think that is what makes Langley so desirable for filming. You can find any type of property you are looking for and the cameras love it!
I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before but there is no Zillow in Canada. But sometimes I get lucky and will run across a former listing and find information out that way. This time I couldn’t find anything but here is what I saw. I would guess this is a 10+ acre lot. There is a huge, picture-perfect barn and 2 homes on this sprawling property, led to by one very long driveway. Speaking of which, I love a circular driveway, and this splits off into one in front of the house that plays the inn. The aerial photo below shows just how expansive the property is. And did you see that rooftop on the property next door? Look in the upper right hand corner…..it’s the Canadian flag…..SO cute!!!

Source: Google
The home itself is enormous as you can see in my photos. Of course, I only was able to capture photos from the back of it but check it out…. it’s pretty amazing, offering plenty of covered deck space, a hot tub area, an outdoor fireplace, and lots of windows, all on multiple levels! I wish I could have gone inside for a tour. The place is beautiful in the movie and I’d love to have a look around that kitchen!
I have scene this location in another Hallmark movie, Lori Laughlin’s Garage Sale Mysteries. In the movie Art of Murder, the garage to the right of the main house is the place where the murder takes place. I love that they used the real homeowners flag on the garage…..you see it in both movies. The standing lantern was likely added for Moonlight in Vermont and it really does the job. It looks perfect in front of the inn!
EDIT: Deb L. from the Facebook group Fans of Hallmark Channel, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, Hallmark Drama commented on my post this morning, tipping me off that this is also the location of Bramble House from A Bramble House Christmas. THANK YOU Deb L!!! I have added a few Bramble screen shots to the post.

From Garage Sale Mystery

From Garage Sale Mystery

From Moonlight in Vermont

Bramble House

Bramble House garage
The big house is also used in Art of Murder, although there was not much of the interior shown. But, there was enough to recognize it from both movies.

Art of Murder

Moonlight in Vermont

Bramble House Christmas: Same doors, shot from inside the office
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To read about another location used in Moonlight in Vermont, check out my story on Porter’s Bistro Coffee & Tea House, here.
Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today. I appreciate your support. I will be back next week with another new Hallmark location. In the meantime, are you watching the Winterfest movies? I am, but I can’t wait for the Valentine movies!!! ♥
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I’m ready for the Valentine movies. This inn was gorgeous in the film. Do you remember a movie where the inn was all old and in disrepair and two different people inherit it? A man and a woman? This inn reminds me of that movie.
Ah yes, that was the infamous All of My Heart! As I’ve mentioned, its a personal fave, and a big part of why I started my blog. 🙂
I’m ready for Valentines too. There is a brand new Valentine movie starring fan faves Lacey Chabert and Andrew Walker coming to Hallmark on Feb. 3!!! Read about it here http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/my-secret-valentine/about-my-secret-valentine
I am so glad to see Andrew and Lacey paired for Valentine’s Day! I don’t remember seeing them together before, but I am sure the resulting story will become one of our favorites! They are two of my favorites now-both excellent!
Me too Sharon! First time ever together and we know it will be an amazing pairing!!! Both are faves of mine as well. That Andrew is pretty easy on the eyes…..just sayin’! 🙂
Thanks so much for the virtual “grand tour.” This is such a great blog! I look forward to your posts every week. Have you visited the house in Hello, It’s Me? It’s one of my all-time favorites. It’s the perfect beach house/cottage.
Thank you so much Kelly! I really appreciate your support!!! I will re-watch the movie Hello, it’s me, and take a closer look. Its been awhile since I’ve scene it. I will let you know if I recognize any locations from the movie, and maybe I can put a post together featuring one. Thanks for the suggestion!! 🙂
I love that Hallmark movie. Kavan Smith and Kellie Martin are so natural together in Hello, It’s Me! The children are really natural in their ad libbing, too. Wish they would work on something else together!
Kerry, I find myself often wanting to ask you about a site on one of the movies.You’ve trained us to pay close attention to the location details-? .I’m proud of Kelly K. for speaking up!
Sharon, please feel free to ask about any locations or a specific location. You can email me or post it in a comment. Its great to hear what locations Hallmark fans are interested in. 🙂
I’m going to try and watch Hello, It’s Me tomorrow. I’ve been watching some reruns of Hallmark movies the past week and have recognized many locations…..its been quite fun!!!
Kelly, I am bummed to say that this one was shot on the east coast in Canada. One day, I would love to take a trip and visit locations from Hallmark movies, including Good Witch locations like Greyhouse!!!
Aw, gee! Even so, the locations you choose to feature from week to week are sure to delight and intrigue me and the rest of your followers! Thanks for checking, Kerry.
I’ve got a sweet house coming up this week…..stay tuned!!! Thanks Kelly! 🙂
Really enjoyed seeing the inn from “Moonlight in Vermont” more in depth, Kerry! What a magnificent, grand location! I would love to visit it! I always love how one place is used in different Hallmark movies! You present the pictures so perfectly from each one!
Thank you for all the research that went into this amazing post! Sorry to hear you’ve been under the weather. Feel better soon! 🙂
Blessings, Net
Thanks Net! Sure wish I could visit the inside of this property. Id really love to take in the views from that outdoor deck!!!
I’ve still got this annoying cough. Been laying low and watching lots of Hallmark, and researching locations. That part has been fun! 🙂
Hi Kerry,
Your blog is simply amazing! I’m having the greatest time reading your posts and checking out the locations you’ve researched and sharing them with my sisters who are also HUGE Hallmark fans!
I recognized this property from the Garage Sale Mystery: The Art of Murder (LOVE the series!) but was really surprised to discover that it was also used for the Thyme and Tide B&B in Season 2 of Cedar Cove which I just binge watched this week.
Where in Langley is this property located and how in the world did you find it?
My sisters and I are planning a trip up to BC in May and I’ve been scouting a variety of locations for us to visit…would love to drive around this area if we can find it.
Thanks so much for all your hard work and research!
Shannon, Thank you SO much……I’m glad you are enjoying my location posts so much! Thanks for sharing them with your sisters. You may have read that I recently re-watched Cedar Cove. I had always wondered where the B & B was and then in season two, the new B & B showed up and I knew exactly where it was!!! I recognized it as well. That was such a great show. I was sad to see it end but was less than thrilled with the direction it took. But it has left me with many locations to visit. I’m working on a ‘look back at CC’ post that is going to be really cool for fans of the show. Stay tuned. There are many factors that go into locating places. And since I live 2 hours from the border, I do much of my research with my BFF, Google Street View. If you need any help planning your trip in May, please reach out to me via my email address at Kerry@ivesceneitonhallmark.com I would love to help you see as many places as possible!!! What state do you live in??? 🙂
Thanks for responding, Kerry, and thanks for the mention in your Deer Lake post. 🙂
My sisters and I are having a lot of fun reading your blog and checking out locations–you really do such an excellent job at this and I appreciate all the background info you give on each place! I’ll reach out to you through your email address with some photos of places we’re trying to track down and if you have any info on those, or suggestions on how we might find them, we would SO appreciate it.
For this Moonlight in Vermont house, do you have an address for it? (And if I missed it above, please forgive me!)
Hope you have a great weekend and thanks again for all that you do!
SHANNON!!!! You are most welcome…..and thank you for sweet comment. Please email me and I will help you in any way I can. I am excited about your trip and all the COOL places you will see. 🙂
Does anyone know the artist of the title track, “Moonlight In Vermont” in this movie? It’s the version playing when Derek and Fiona are dancing (and he briefly serenades her). I have searched for the answer since my lovely bride and I first saw the movie. Numerous requests to Hallmark have, thus far, gone unanswered. Thank you for any information you can provide.
Hi Nicholas, thanks for reaching out….I’m happy to help! I’ve gotcha covered…….the version you are looking for is Moonlight in Vermont by Brook Benton. Here is a link to you-tube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLzU-c9_gx4 BEAUTIFUL song for your bride…..you are one romantic man! Now don’t forget, when you dance with your bride, serenade her. 🙂
I thank you so much for finding that version of that beautiful song! Watching Hallmark movies with my lovely bride is one of those guilty pleasures that I’m reluctant to admit — but I do admit to being a romantic. Thank you, again, for your help.
You are most welcome, sir. Your bride is one lucky gal!!! Thanks for reaching out….I hope you will come back again. 🙂
Thank you for this post! I feel in love with the Bramble House home and was delighted to see it in Moonlight in Vermont! Are there any other movies that have this house in it? Definitely swoon worthy ? Thank you for the aerial view as well!
You’re welcome Mindy! I, too, loved Bramble House and would love a sequel! I recently re-watched Cedar Cove and this gorgeous property plays the Thyme & Tide B & B in season 2. If you love this house, I would highly recommend watching season 2 on Netflix as they show close-ups of the outside deck, including the fireplace. I felt like I got a little better view of this property. The aerial view is awesome because it shows just how large this entire property really is. And I agree, def swoon worthy!!! I have a hunch we will be seeing more of this one in future movies. And as you can see from the comment history, there is a lot of interest in this one!!! Thank you so much for your support and comment. 🙂
Kerry, I just found your posts by searching for where was Moonlight in Vermont filmed..Can you.clear up something for me that has bugged me since it aired. In the first movie All of my Heart, they fixed up a beautiful old farm house. But in the second installment, the hoise looked completely different and they mentioned something about the kitchen getting remodeled. It was definitely not the same house. Do you agree?
Welcome Joan! I have written about the AOMH2 farmhouse and why they used a different one in the sequel. Please check out the link below. Thanks so much for your comment! Also, if you enter All of My Heart in the search box on my homepage, there are several stories on All of My Heart. Happy reading! And thanks for your comment. 🙂
I would love to find this house myself, on Google maps, but can’t seem to do so. Could you guide me in the right direction?
Thank you!
Hi Mike, thanks for your comment. I do not publish addresses of any of the homes we’ve scene on screen. I will tell you that I found this one on my own, if that gives you any encouragement. 🙂
Thanks for your response! I don’t know that this gives me any encouragement, as I am having NO luck finding it on my own, but I do think it is fair not to publish addresses. I would love to find it on Google maps, just to get a feel for where it is. Any area clues you can give me??
Also, I am very impressed with your responsiveness. Kind of makes the Hallmark movie experience even better, somehow.
Hey Mike…..so sorry for my late response but I have been traveling again. Glad you understand I cannot publish the address for this property. It is in Langley, not too far from Fort Langley. Let me know if you find it! 🙂
Why are all Hallmark movies shot in Canada and given US fictional town names. So frustrating and deceiving!
We love watching Hallmark movies – enjoy their locations but in reality if they don’t exist its waste of time to watch!
Many of us like the old fashion traditions of Christmas and sometimes wanna get away to the so called ” Christmasy” towns if you want a little break and save up for these lil mini breaks..But with mystery prevailing on
locations where films are shot is quite annoying… whats the big deal of the truth and right answer of the location –
could go on..but will stop here 🙂 thx
Mel, thanks for your comment. There are plenty of “Hallmark like” towns across America. Hallmark has been filming several in the states every year. I get emails from readers all the time asking me how to get their lovely towns in the movie biz. As far as why shoot in Canada, it is much cheaper due to the exchange rate and very generous tax incentives that are given. In BC, there are a plethora of studios, crews, and film equipment companies, which makes it easy and very film friendly. I am not saying that you couldn’t get that here in the states but I do believe it would cost more to film in some of the out of the way smaller towns. Just my opinion. If you want to visit a real Hallmark town, here in the states, head to Nevada City. Nevada City from The Christmas Card It is just as charming in real life as it is in person. 🙂
This house was used as the location for the mayor’s Christmas party in Nine Lives of Christmas, the groom’s mother’s house in June in January, the Harrison house in Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: The Disappearing Game, and the parents’ house in Holiday Date.
Krystal, thank you for your comment. Like me, you have a very good eye! This house continues to be a very popular filming location. I would LOVE to interview the owners. That would be amazing!!! 🙂