Greetings Hallmark friends!!! It’s been a pretty exciting week but there was one piece of news in particular that caught my attention. Did ya hear??? Actor Brennan Elliot announced that there will be a new All of My Heart movie, which will be the third in the franchise. I heard it on this interview that Brennan did with ‘Beyond the Red Carpet’, which he linked to on his Twitter page. At about mark 15:47 is where All of My Heart 3 is discussed. I look very forward to hearing more details from the network in the coming months.
I can hardly wait to share with you what I’ve been up to this week. As I mentioned in my post last week, I have been asked to be a guest on a podcast, which will take place in early April!!! Many thanks to The Bubbly Sesh for extending me the invite. I will give you all the details as soon as I know them. This will be something totally different for me and I’m looking forward to it. Stay tuned.
I crossed the border last Saturday morning and my first stop was the AOMH farmhouse. As I’ve mentioned before, I drive by every time I come into Canada and that day was no exception. For the first time in a long time, we had clear blue skies and I could not wait to see the place!
Several weeks ago, my friend Melanie asked me if I would be interested in helping lead tours at her family’s farm, the Jamestown Movie Set from WCTH. Of course, I said YES and am thrilled to share that I spent last Saturday in “the valley of hope”! The sun came out in all its glory and it was awesome to be outdoors in such a beautiful, peaceful place.
We had 23 people tour that day and it was fun not only to be there but to engage with everyone on the tour. This show continues to touch people and it is incredibly meaningful to be a small part of it in this way. I will be playing tour guide over the next few months and look forward to sharing this amazing set with other fans. To book your own WCTH tour, click here . Hope to see you in the valley!
This week’s post is a little different than my normal weekly location. I thought you all might enjoy an unexpected gem that I uncovered a couple days ago while doing some routine location research. Even my hubs, who doesn’t give two hoots about film locations, thought it was a VERY “serendipitous discovery”. (yes, those were his exact words!) Trust me, most days I spend researching are nothing like this, which made it all the more fun!!! It began as many of my searches do. I was on Google Street View, checking out a building in the Maple Ridge area of BC, another very popular city for filming. I haven’t posted much from this area because I’ve only been there once and that was last fall. You might recall I wrote about Shane’s house from SSD, as well as Harper’s house from The Art of Us, both located in Maple Ridge. I cannot wait to get back out there and do some Hallmarking!!!
So there I was, looking at this building on a busy street in a popular area. I’d located the place months ago but for some reason, (perhaps fate?) I forgot to write down the street address. As I maneuvered my way up and down the block, I noticed there was a festival going on the day Google drove by to capture their street views. There were lots of people and congestion on this day and because of that, I didn’t even catch it right away. But upon closer examination, I noticed that the sign on this particular building was different than the sign on the window, which, of course, raised my radar.

After zooming in on the image, I began to chuckle, out loud, and said to myself, “NO WAY, ARE YOU KIDDING ME???” (yes, I talk to myself sometimes) Turns out, it wasn’t a festival at all, it was a film crew, and not just any film crew, my friends. It was the crew shooting Hallmark’s Love-Struck Café! NOT KIDDING! And I can even tell you the scene they were shooting!!! It was when Megan returns to Cedarvale and stops by her family’s restaurant and runs into Joe on the street outside the café. Joe’s truck is clearly parked on the road, and Megan’s car right behind it. (you might recall she hits the back of his truck in the movie) The sign we saw in the movie ‘welcoming Megan home’ is sitting on the sidewalk, and camera crews are caught with equipment in hand, right there on Google Street View. You can see the 3 extras on the sidewalk, the cars are in place, and the crew looks ready to yell, “places everyone!” And in the midst of it all, the Google Street View driver passes by to capture it all! I’m still staring at my screen in disbelief. Seriously. Wow.

Note the vehicles, the sign, and the 3 extras, all ready for action! PHOTO SOURCE: Google

Better shot of Megan’s car PHOTO SOURCE: Google
I was staring at my computer screen with complete amazement when I had another thought. I began to zoom into the crowd and exactly as I suspected……there they were, sitting in between takes; Mr. Andrew Walker (swoon!) and Sarah Jane Morris, the stars of Love-Struck Café! Don’t believe me? Check out the images, straight outta Maple Ridge!!! Even with blurry faces, compliments of Google, you can see it is them. Mind=blown. And yes, they are wearing the same clothes as we saw from that scene in the movie because yeah, you know I checked! 😉 It appears they were just about ready to take their places and shoot the scene. Pretty exciting find!!!

Andrew & Sarah, in between takes, looking at Andrew’s cell phone! PHOTO SOURCE: Google
Rosie’s Café in the movie is really Jim’s Pizza in Maple Ridge and interiors of the place were also used. I tracked this location down the night the movie aired and as I mentioned, never wrote the address down. If I had, I wouldn’t have made this discovery all of these months later. At the time the movie aired, I’d seen the previous Google Street View image, not this updated one starring the film crew. The photos I got from Google Street View are WAY better than any I could have taken because of what they reveal from that hot, August day in the summer of 2017. If you are a regular reader of my blog, then you know I always personally visit the locations I write about. But because I made this discovery earlier this week from the comfort of my home office, I have not been to this particular location and the photos, as I have indicated, are all images from Google/Google Street View.
I plan to visit Maple Ridge in the coming months, now that the weather is (finally!) starting to turn. There are many movies we’ve scene that were filmed in this area including Eat, Play, Love, Bramble House, SSD, Love By Chance, Along Came a Nanny, Love At First Bark, Perfect Match, Summer of Dreams, Garage Sale Mystery…..and many more! As I said, it is a popular filming area. So much so that last fall, the city of Maple Ridge placed a temporary moratorium on film permits in the downtown area, which is a favorite of Hallmark. You can read more about it here.
EDIT: I received a comment from my friend, Net, who I have mentioned before blogs over at It’s A Wonderful Movie. Net asked if this was the same Jim’s Pizza that appeared in Hallmark’s Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade. The truth is, I didn’t know, because I have never scene the movie. It’s one of those movies I remember hearing about but for whatever reason, never watched. Net’s comment made me curious and after a simple search I read on IMDB that it was in fact the location. So of course I wanted to capture a screen shot and edit this post. After watching nearly half the movie, I would LOVE to sit down and view it on my big screen. Perhaps a little Christmas in July??? Thank you to Net, for her eagle eye on this location!

From Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade
Wanna buy the movies? Please consider shopping the links below, which helps to support this website. Thanks!
Jim’s Pizza is located at 11952 224th Street in Maple Ridge, BC.
Hallmark’s Spring Fever kicks off this Saturday night with The Sweetest Heart. Since this one is set in a cupcake shop, I would highly recommend you have cupcakes on hand when viewing. Just sayin’. Be sure to check your local listing for times. And coming this Sunday night is the episode WCTH fans have been waiting for……the wedding of Mountie Jack and Elizabeth Thatcher! You DO NOT want to miss this one so be sure to set your DVR. Thank you for stopping by today and for your continued support of this website!!! I will be back next week with an all new Hallmark location.
NOTICE: If you use any of the information published on I’ve Scene It On Hallmark on your website, podcast or blog, please give credit where credit is due and link to this website as your source. Remember, the images and content of I’ve Scene It On Hallmark are protected by copyright laws. Please do not edit or remove watermarks from any images.
Oh my goodness!!! This is an awesome post, Kerry!!! First of all, congratulations for your tour guide position in Hope Valley! You are the perfect person to do that… with your warm personality and knowledge of Hallmark movie locations. I’m sure it’s a thrill to welcome all the Hearties!
And, what an incredible discovery with your “Google Street View” search… finding “Love Struck Café” while filming! What are the odds their cameras would catch them, on that day, in that moment! I love it and I love that you found it! How fun! (I was wondering… is this, by any chance, Jim’s Pizza, from “Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade”?)
Thank you, as always, for sharing your amazing adventures!!! Can’t wait to see the next one!!! Blessings, Net
Thanks Net! I am excited to lead tours at the Jamestown Set. Having an extra guide means more fans can book the tour and I am thrilled to do it!!! I will be there this Sunday then back home that evening watching the wedding, after spending the day in Hope Valley. SO cool!!!
Yeah, I’m still shaking my head over the Google Street View! It was such a neat find and I was excited to write about it.
YES, it is the same place as scene in Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade. I have updated the story. Thanks for the tip! I will admit, I’ve not scene this movie yet but after sitting through half of it to capture a screen shot, I want to watch it on my big screen. Thanks again for mentioning it. 🙂
Oh wowowowowow!!!!
You are getting so many good things happening to you! You deserve it, rock on!
I am certainly having a lot of fun!!! Thanks Terri! 🙂
What an incredible post about Jim’s Pizza and Maple Ridge! Caught on Google Maps! That’s crazy. I live in MR and am an avid Hallmarker! I’ve seen all the films you refer to and yes, there are a lot shot here. The ACT arts centre, which is a stones throw from Jim’s Pizza, is one of the most popular locations, and there’s a gazebo in the park between Jim’s and The ACT which appears in countless films. The earliest film I know of that used Jim’s Pizza, and one of my favorites (though not a Hallmark) was Eve’s Christmas from 2004. Thanks for the post! Very cool indeed!
P.S. My next step is to get my songs into Hallmark movies! Wish me luck!
SLY! I LOVE that you live in MR and totally get my crazy discovery. And especially LOVE that you are an avid Hallmarker!!! SO great!
As I said in my post, I plan to get back to MR in the near future since the weather is getting a little sunnier these days and I can actually tell that spring IS on the way. (but I’m still cold!!!) My first stop when I am in MR IS the infamous gazebo…..I have scene it in so many Hallmark movies and I cannot wait to see it in person!
Thanks for the tip about Eve’s Christmas. I’m going to try and find access to it and watch it! THANK YOU for your comment and please, if you see any Hallmark filming or you hear about it through a film notice or news outlet, please let me know through an email. I realize you never know what the production is unless you’ve seen a film notice or read about upcoming filming. If you know of any other Hallmark locations, PLEASE shoot me an email. You never know, it could be one I’m searching for and cannot locate. (it happens!) I do appreciate it!!!
My sincere best to you with getting your music into Hallmark. How cool would that be??? Thanks again for stopping by and I hope you’ll be back every week! 🙂
If you get back to MR you now have a friend to show you around! 🙂
And how AWESOME is that???? I will be back. THANKS! 🙂
I love Eve’s Christmas, the park and bandstand you see in full view and The Look Out is not only used for karaoke but also the pre Christmas meal, I am also wondering if the book store in film is in the same street, another film I love is Home By Christmas 2006 with Linda Hamilton and Ron Stewart..
Thanks Shannon. I really love Home By Christmas too!!! I have some locations to write about from that movie. Be sure to stay tuned. 🙂