Yesterday, I suffered some technical difficulties and for the second time in weeks, my site went down. (as you may recall, I am VERY technically challenged) I reached out to my tech peeps, Chloe Digital, who were able to get things back up but unfortunately, the post I was planning to publish last night was not totally restored. What that means is, all the edits and work I had done on it didn’t fully save and I am going to have to re-work some of it. I hope to have it on my website sometime over the weekend…fingers crossed. Subscribers will receive an email once it has posted. Thank you so much for your support and understanding.
I’ve Scene It On Hallmark
Kerry! So sorry to hear about the tech issues and hope you’re up and running soon. I can relate to being tech-challenged–if it weren’t for one of my sisters I’d still be working on a typewriter and watching all my movies on DVD. 🙂
(I do still LOVE to write on paper with my favorite Ticonderoga #2 pencil and refuse to ever give those up!)
Happy Friday and hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks Shannon!!! It’s been a rough 24 hours. Our kids are grown and adults living out of state now but boy do I wish they were still around!!! 😉 Ah, typewriters…..I remember them well! I’m with you sister, I LOVE a good pencil (or pen) and handwritten list. Nothing brings me more joy than crossing things OFF of said list. Know what I mean??? Deleting a line just ins’t the same.
I’m heading back up to Canada tomorrow and I am looking forward to the new Hallmark movie in the evening. You enjoy your weekend and thanks for the happy thoughts! 🙂